Autumn in Finland Adopt the Pace of Nature, Her Secret is Patience


On some of my previous walks i talk about how important it is for your mental health to let nature inside. Therefore i wish to share with you exactly what i mean with that.

I want to take you with me, to beautiful Autumn.
No subtitles this time, just visual and relaxing music by the awesome Scott Buckley (read below).

Filmed on location in Sipoonkorpi National Park.
I know it’s currently out of season (as for publishing time) but winter arrived very early in Finland, which made me postpone several gorgeous Autumn scenery.
… or maybe i just wanted an excuse to see the nature in beautiful colours … (hey, i’ve seen just white for the past 4 or so months )

I hope you can enjoy as much as i did.
Thank you for being here. Together we learn, explore and walk through the scenes.
Have a great day and in the next walk we will continue our talk.

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